When it comes to training, there are three distinct styles: autocratic, democratic, and holistic. Autocratic training is based on the studies of Kurt Lewin, a German-American social psychologist. It is a rigid style that adheres to specific rules and follows a clear model that describes decision-making hierarchies. Employees under this training style show discipline and commitment, since the structure is there for them to succeed. Democratic training focuses more on communication between a coach and his athletes.
Instead of the coach having all the power in the autocratic style, a democratic coach encourages the participation of his athletes. The coach acts as a guide and supervises the suggestions so that swimmers can bounce back on them. Ultimately, the coach has the last word, but not without the suggestions and opinions of his athletes. This allows athletes to contribute an important role to the team and, at the same time, foster an environment based on growth and collaboration. The third style is holistic coaching.
Instead of focusing on structured training, holistic coaching creates an enabling environment in which team members feel comfortable seeking out different skills and developing in their own way. It may take a little longer than other approaches to see results, but when it comes to performance training styles, it can be very effective, since the team has a responsibility to work together and explore solutions as a whole. Any good coach must understand each style and how to use it in different contexts to achieve the best results. It's important to know what type of training style you respond best to in order to have a more effective and enjoyable relationship with your coach. Training styles are heavily influenced by personal experience and philosophy, and sticking with a single style is not an option for many trainers. These instruments measure a variety of training and leadership qualities and are useful in ensuring that a coach performs in the most effective manner for his client.
It applies to coaches who want to assess and improve their strength of character when working with clients. Instead of establishing hierarchical control, the transformational coach acts in collaboration with the client and, at the same time, offers authentic support and honest feedback. In conclusion, there are three main coaching styles: autocratic, democratic, and holistic. Each has its own advantages, disadvantages and particular uses. It is important for coaches to understand all three styles in order to be able to use them effectively in different contexts.